It’s time to transform our broken criminal justice system

From policing to closing New Jersey’s youth prisons, we seek to end criminal justice policies that result in the over-criminalization of communities of color, racial injustice and mass incarceration.

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Black youth incarcerated in NJ


For every white youth incarcerated in NJ

Action Spotlights

Support legislation to allow formerly incarcerated people to serve on juries in New Jersey.

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Support legislation to close all youth prisons in New Jersey.

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Support legislation to create Civilian Review Boards in New Jersey.

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Support legislation to ban chokeholds in New Jersey.

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Newark’s Consent Decree

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Sign-on Letters

At the Institute, we work day in and out to Make the Two New Jerseys One. We fight to create a state where everyone can thrive, including our Black and other residents of color.

Our record of success tells our story, but we can’t do this work without YOU.