Raise Your Voice

Let 16-Year-Olds Vote in School Board Elections!

Many people under 18 already have “adult” responsibilities. There is no reason they shouldn’t be able to vote for their School Boards.

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Create NJ Reparations Justice Task Force

400 years after slavery began in America, New Jersey still suffers from extreme racial injustice. Learn more and take action for racial justice. #1619NoMore

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Bring Same-Day Voter Registration to NJ

We need to ensure New Jersey has #DemocracyInADay!

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Pass the New Jersey Voting Rights Act Now

New Jersey must codify into state law our own voter protections and expand voter access now.

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Create Baby Bonds In NJ

Support legislation to create a baby bond program to invest in NJ's families and help close the racial wealth gap.

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Close Our Youth Prisons!

We need to invest in our children, not imprison them in an antiquated, bloated and wasteful system.

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Support Police Accountability

CRBs are an important tool for civilian oversight of police. Take Action here.

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Stop Criminalizing Our Children

New Jersey must stop criminalizing developmentally appropriate misbehavior by establishing a minimum age of 14 for when kids can be considered “juvenile delinquents.”

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Completely Ban Police Chokeholds In NJ

Completely banning chokeholds in NJ should be uncontroversial. Tell lawmakers it's time to do that.

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Allow People to Serve on Juries Regardless of Criminal Convictions.

The right to a jury of one’s peers is fundamental to our justice system and our democracy.

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By supporting the Institute, you will make a lasting impact and become part of a movement to empower Black and other communities of color in New Jersey so everyone in our state can thrive. 

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At the Institute, we work day in and out to Make the Two New Jerseys One. We fight to create a state where everyone can thrive, including our Black and other residents of color.

Our record of success tells our story, but we can’t do this work without YOU.