A History of Violence

On July 12, 1967, residents of Newark took to the streets to protest the police abuse of a Black cabdriver, John W. Smith. That night, Newark police officers had beaten him into paralysis and dragged him into the police station, simply because he drove his cab around their double-parked police car.

Violent encounters with the police catalyzed the Newark Rebellion, just as they did the protests in hundreds of other cities across America in 1967.

Over the decades law enforcement abuses in Newark have been so pervasive that in July 2014, the Department of Justice announced a pattern of widespread civil rights violations in the Newark Police Department. It found that Newark’s police officers had no legal basis for 75 percent of their pedestrian stops from 2009 to 2012, which were used disproportionately against Black people. In addition, the Newark police detained innocent people for “milling,” “loitering” or “wandering.”

The Consent Decree

In 2016, a federal court approved a panel of experts-led by former New Jersey Attorney General Peter Harvey to serve as the Independent Monitoring Team of the Newark Department of Public Safety’s Police Division, in accordance with a settlement reached by the Department of Justice and the City of Newark.  Among other things, the Consent Decree requires the Independent Monitor to conduct an annual survey to assess Newark community members’ experiences with and perceptions of the NPD and public safety. More information on the consent decree and the Independent Monitoring Team can be found at https://www.newarkpdmonitor.com/.

If adequate resources are allocated to the process, Newark is poised to realize the kind of policing that residents have long urged. The kind of policing in which law enforcement respects and honors the humanity of the people they serve; the kind of policing in which police seek first to build community; and the kind of policing in which law enforcement joins with the communities they serve to be both peacemakers and peacekeepers.

As a member of this monitoring team, the Institute is committed to ensuring that the community voice resounds throughout the reform process.






What is a consent decree?

A consent decree is an agreement between a governmental entity and police departments entered as a court order, that requires police departments to undergo a series of reforms through new policies, trainings and data system upgrades within a specified period of time. 

Where can I find more information?

Generally, upon entering a consent decree, the Court appoints an Independent Monitor. This person/team is tasked with providing updates to the Court and parties (commonly the Department of Justice and whatever municipal government oversees the police department in question) as well as auditing the terms of the consent decree ensuring compliance. The Independent Monitoring Team for Newark’s consent decree maintains its own website with semiannual reports for the entirety of the consent decree period. Those reports and additional resources can be found here.

Additionally, the Newark Police Department is required through the consent decree to maintain its own website with all information relating to its compliance with the terms of the consent decree.

How can I help?

The New Jersey Institute for Social Justice holds community forums and we want to hear from you!

You can also reach out directly to the Independent Monitoring Team or the Newark Police Department.

Have a question for the Independent Monitoring Team or Newark Police Department?

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