This year’s Gala theme is INVEST!

Our theme summons us to INVEST! in reparative systems that connect Black people and other people of color to reparative systems that create wealth, promote health, ensure justice and harness democratic power from the ground up.

It calls on us to:

INVEST! in community.

INVEST! in advocacy.

INVEST! in democracy.

INVEST! in us, at the Institute, where we fight with you for racial justice every day.

At our Gala, we will recommit to investing in New Jersey’s Black and other communities of color so that all of us can win.

Questions? Reach out to: Nadia Rush at

Honorees Sponsorships Digital Ads

Platinum Sponsor

Justin White

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Ted and Nina Wells

Premiere Sponsors

Susan and Thomas Dunn